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30 January 2024
Dear friends, It has been nearly two years since I have put pen to paper in this way, but lately I have felt the desire to dig into what I have been learning. If you are here reading this, maybe you are curious about where I've been, or maybe you jus...
14 September 2021
Thank you all for your patience as I've taken a few months off my blog to reflect, assess, and find my creative juices. I was expressing my inner frustration to my brother-in-law a few weeks ago how writing has been difficult as of late. He gave me s...
30 May 2021
What comes to mind when you see the words, "mind, body, spirit"? For myself, I consider this the trinity for personal balance. We have all heard the saying, "you are what you eat", and the mind/body connection, however, I would challenge you to look ...
20 May 2021
Let me start by saying, this post may be triggering for some, hopefully educational, and perhaps cathartic for others. I hope that the information and insight I am sharing will open eyes,start conversations, dispel myths, evoke empathy, and encourage...
15 May 2021
COVID-19 has rocked my world, and I think it is safe to say we all feel the same way. I was thinking about the first time I heard about the virus and really did not give it much space in my mind. Now, over a year later and it dominates the internet, ...