By Mel McGill on Thursday, 13 May 2021
Category: Soul Sisters

Soul Sisters Roadmap for Success

I'm taking a course right now called the Roadmap for Success. We spent week one working on our balance continuum. The 5 areas of our lives, Career/Finance, Relationships, Spirituality, Family, Health. I learned that my career/finance area is out of balance because of several factors. Since being retired and self-employed, while on a personal mental health and physical health journey, I've had to retrain and pivot from a state of protection mode to movement.

This shift is slowly evolving, and this is what I now know:

  1. Nothing happens from a state of fear.
  2. I am worthy of all the good things I desire.
  3. I am going to have to make the commitment to do The Hard Work.
  4. The hard work means goal setting, routines, commitment and continuous self-improvement.
  5. Where I spend/put my time is what I become. Am I surrounded by positivity and go-getters, or life sucking negativity?

All of these realizations and shifts have come through time, consciousness, and the desire to be better. The cool thing is when you learn new habits, ways of thinking and create a new default setting, momentum shifts happen organically. Excited to learn more about myself.

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